
See results for your league - these are usually updated by midday the day after your fixture. Please contact your league manager with any questions

Battersea Monday 6-a-side (Early)

Mon 16 May 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 1)
PoM: David Bartram-Shaw (Aimia Avocados)
Pitch 2 (Round 1)
PoM: Leo Matlock (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 1 (Round 1)
PoM: Nick Goff (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 2 (Round 1)
PoM: Carlos Fernandez (Shipleys)

Mon 23 May 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 3)
PoM: Jay Howorth (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 2 (Round 3)
PoM: Luis Spiers (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 1 (Round 3)
PoM: Eugene Amo-Dadzie (Shipleys)
Pitch 2 (Round 3)
PoM: Andrew Brooks (Hooligans (SKY BLUE))

Mon 06 Jun 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 2)
1 4
PoM: Christiano Nops (Slide Taco)
Pitch 2 (Round 2)
PoM: David Bartram-Shaw (Aimia Avocados)
Pitch 1 (Round 2)
PoM: Lewis Spiers (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 2 (Round 2)
PoM: Charlie Southern (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))

Mon 13 Jun 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 4)
PoM: Steve Waterman (Aimia Avocados)
Pitch 2 (Round 4)
PoM: Nick Goff (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 1 (Round 4)
PoM: Alex Hemmingway (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 2 (Round 4)
PoM: Neil Blakes (Hooligans (SKY BLUE))

Mon 04 Jul 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 8)
PoM: Christiano Nops (Slide Taco)
Pitch 2 (Round 8)
PoM: Tim Hoffman (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 1 (Round 8)
PoM: Chris Jennings (Murder on Zidane's Floor)
Pitch 2 (Round 8)
PoM: Louis Spears (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))

Mon 11 Jul 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 9)
PoM: Steve Cox (Murder on Zidane's Floor)
Pitch 2 (Round 9)
PoM: Tishayne Flemminat (Hester City (BLACK))
Pitch 1 (Round 9)
PoM: Paddy Galsworthy (Slide Taco)
Pitch 2 (Round 9)
PoM: Sujit Dadar (Shipleys)

Mon 18 Jul 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 7)
PoM: Sam Edwards (Hooligans (SKY BLUE))
Pitch 2 (Round 7)
PoM: Christiano Nops (Slide Taco)
Pitch 1 (Round 7)
PoM: Alex Hemingway (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 2 (Round 7)
PoM: Chris Jennings (Murder on Zidane's Floor)

Mon 25 Jul 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 5)
PoM: Cillian Byrne (Murder on Zidane's Floor)
Pitch 2 (Round 5)
PoM: Bieber (Aimia Avocados)
Pitch 1 (Round 5)
PoM: Christiano Nops (Slide Taco)
Pitch 2 (Round 5)
PoM: Charlie Southern (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))

Mon 01 Aug 2016

Pitch 1 (Round 6)
PoM: Charlie Jennings (Murder on Zidane's Floor)
Pitch 2 (Round 6)
PoM: Ed Rosen (Shipleys)
Pitch 1 (Round 6)
PoM: Sam Langridge (Hooligans (SKY BLUE))
Pitch 2 (Round 6)
PoM: Alex Hemingway (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))

Mon 08 Aug 2016

Pitch 1 (Play-off semi final)
PoM: Alex Hemingway (Ravenswood Rovers (RED))
Pitch 2 (Play-off semi final)
PoM: Russel Bishop (Hooligans (SKY BLUE))
Pitch 1 (Play-off semi final)
PoM: Neville Southall (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 2 (Play-off semi final)
PoM: Chris McLintock (Shipleys)

Mon 15 Aug 2016

Pitch 1 (3rd place play-off)
PoM: Jack Timber (Slide Taco)
Pitch 2 (Wooden spoon play-off)
PoM: Ivan McFarlane (Murder on Zidane's Floor)
Pitch 1 (Grand Final)
PoM: Pearce Maughan (MFM FC (Green & Yellow))
Pitch 2 ('Plate' Final)
PoM: Carloes Fernandez (Shipleys)